A Rumpus of Rhymes: A Book of Noisy PoemsFrom the snorting hippos and bellowing baboons on Noah's Ark, to the Bee, bee, BEEP! of the "School Bus Rap," the Snip-Snap! Clip-Clip! "At the Barbershop" and the Glubita, glubita, glubita or the "Washing Machine" you might get the idea that the poems in this book are packed with sound. And you'd be right! But guess what the sound is in the last poem, "Snow Scene?"
Tweet! Tweet! Chirp! Chirp! Trill-a-trill-a-trill! Birds that please have songs like these. Our call is raw and shrill. CAW! CAW! CAW! We're crows! When the Birding Club goes stalking, they whisper in awed hushes if they spot some crummy plovers, yellow finches, or gray thrushes. But they don't get excited when our flying flocks are sighted. CAW! CAW! CAW! We're crows! People put seeds in bird feeders, then they twitter with great glee over every rotten robin, every black-capped chickadee. But do people try to lure us? At the best, they just endure us. Foolish farmers cannot bear us, but their straw men do not scare us. CAW! CAW! CAW! We're crows! No one ever tries to count us because we are everywhere-- roosting on the treetops-- swooping through the air. We're not likely to be found on the Endangered Species List, but if we were to disappear, we think we might be missed. No CAW! CAW! CAW! No crows! Copyright c2001 by Bobbi Katz ![]() |